Source code for

Distance calculations on PDB 3D coordinates

  Thomas A. Hopf
  Anna G. Green (remap_complex_chains)

from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations
from operator import itemgetter
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import jit

from import load_structures
from evcouplings.utils.constants import AA1_to_AA3
from evcouplings.utils.system import create_prefix_folders
from evcouplings.utils.helpers import find_segments

def _distances(residues_i, coords_i, residues_j, coords_j, symmetric):
    Compute minimum atom distances between residues. If used on
    a single atom per residue, this function can e.g. also compute
    C_alpha distances.

    residues_i : np.array
        Matrix of size N_i x 2, where N_i = number of residues
        in PDB chain used for first axis. Each row of this
        matrix contains the first and last (inclusive) index
        of the atoms comprising this residue in the coords_i
    coords_i : np.array
        N_a x 3 matrix containing 3D coordinates of all atoms
        (where N_a is total number of atoms in chain)
    residues_j : np.array
        Like residues_i, but for chain used on second axis
    coords_j : np.array
        Like coords_j, but for chain used on second axis

    dists : np.array
        Matrix of size N_i x N_j containing minimum atom
        distance between residue i and j in dists[i, j]
    LARGE_DIST = 1000000

    N_i, _ = residues_i.shape
    N_j, _ = residues_j.shape

    # matrix to hold final distances
    dists = np.zeros((N_i, N_j))

    # iterate all pairs of residues
    for i in range(N_i):
        for j in range(N_j):
            # limit computation in symmetric case and
            # use previously calculated distance
            if symmetric and i >= j:
                dists[i, j] = dists[j, i]
                range_i = residues_i[i]
                range_j = residues_j[j]
                min_dist = LARGE_DIST

                # iterate all pairs of atoms for residue pair;
                # end of coord range is inclusive, so have to add 1
                for a_i in range(range_i[0], range_i[1] + 1):
                    for a_j in range(range_j[0], range_j[1] + 1):
                        # compute Euclidean distance between atom pair
                        cur_dist = np.sqrt(
                                (coords_i[a_i] - coords_j[a_j]) ** 2
                        # store if this is a smaller distance
                        min_dist = min(min_dist, cur_dist)

                dists[i, j] = min_dist

    return dists

[docs]class DistanceMap: """ Compute, store and accesss pairwise residue distances in PDB 3D structures """ # separator between distance map id and field name in aggregated dataframes _id_separator = "::" def __init__(self, residues_i, residues_j, dist_matrix, symmetric): """ Create new distance map object Parameters ---------- residues_i : pandas.DataFrame Table containing residue annotation for first axis of distance matrix residues_j : pandas.DataFrame Table containing residue annotation for second axis of distance matrix dist_matrix : np.array 2D matrix containing residue distances (of size len(residues_i) x len(residues_j)) symmetric : bool Indicates if distance matrix is symmetric """ self.residues_i = residues_i self.residues_j = residues_j self.dist_matrix = dist_matrix self.symmetric = symmetric # create mappings from identifier to entry in distance matrix self.id_map_i = { id_: i for (i, id_) in enumerate( } self.id_map_j = { id_: j for (j, id_) in enumerate( } # attribute that allows to set a unique identifier for this distance map, # used during aggregation = None @classmethod def _extract_coords(cls, coords): """ Prepare coordinates as suitable input for _distances() function Parameters ---------- coords : pandas.DataFrame Atom coordinates for PDB chain (.coords property of Chain object) Returns ------- atom_ranges : np.array Matrix of size N_i x 2, where N_i = number of residues in PDB chain. Each row of this matrix contains the first and last (inclusive) index of the atoms comprising this residue in the xyz_coords matrix xyz_coords : np.array N_a x 3 matrix containing 3D coordinates of all atoms (where N_a is total number of atoms in chain) """ # First, reset index and drop because indices might # be discontinuous after removal of atoms (we need that # indices correspond to boundaries of each residue in # raw numpy array). # Second, move index into column, # so we can access values after groupby C = coords.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index() # matrix of 3D coordinates xyz_coords = np.stack( (C.x.values, C.y.values, C.z.values) ).T # extract what the first and last atom index # of each residue is C_grp = C.groupby("residue_index") atom_ranges = np.stack( (C_grp.first().loc[:, "index"].values, C_grp.last().loc[:, "index"].values) ).T return atom_ranges, xyz_coords
[docs] @classmethod def from_coords(cls, chain_i, chain_j=None): """ Compute distance matrix from PDB chain coordinates. Parameters ---------- chain_i : Chain PDB chain to be used for first axis of matrix chain_j : Chain, optional (default: None) PDB chain to be used for second axis of matrix. If not given, will be set to chain_i, resulting in a symmetric distance matrix Returns ------- DistanceMap Distance map computed from given coordinates """ ranges_i, coords_i = cls._extract_coords(chain_i.coords) # if no second chain given, compute a symmetric distance # matrix (mainly relevant for intra-chain contacts) if chain_j is None: symmetric = True chain_j = chain_i ranges_j, coords_j = ranges_i, coords_i else: symmetric = False ranges_j, coords_j = cls._extract_coords(chain_j.coords) # compute distances using jit-compiled function dists = _distances( ranges_i, coords_i, ranges_j, coords_j, symmetric ) # create distance matrix object return cls( chain_i.residues, chain_j.residues, dists, symmetric )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """ Load existing distance map using filename prefix (each distance map consist of .csv and .npy file) Parameters ---------- filename : str Prefix of path to distance map files (excluding .csv/.npy) Returns ------- DistanceMap Loaded distance map """ return cls.from_files( filename + ".csv", filename + ".npy" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, residue_table_file, distance_matrix_file): """ Load existing distance map with explicit paths to residue table (.csv) and distance matrix (.npy). Use DistanceMap.from_file to load using joint prefix of both files. Parameters ---------- residue_table_file : str or file-like object Path to residue table file (prefix + .csv) distance_matrix_file : str or file-like object Path to distance matrix file (prefix + .npy) Returns ------- DistanceMap Loaded distance map """ residues = pd.read_csv( residue_table_file, index_col=0, dtype={ "id": str, "seqres_id": str, "coord_id": str, "chain_index": int, } ) dist_matrix = np.load(distance_matrix_file) if "axis" in residues.columns: symmetric = False residues_i = residues.query("axis == 'i'").drop("axis", axis=1) residues_j = residues.query("axis == 'j'").drop("axis", axis=1) else: symmetric = True residues_i = residues residues_j = residues return cls( residues_i, residues_j, dist_matrix, symmetric )
[docs] def to_file(self, filename): """ Store distance map in files Parameters ---------- filename : str Prefix of distance map files (will create .csv and .npy file) Returns ------- residue_table_filename : str Path to residue table (will be filename + .csv) dist_mat_filename : str Path to distance matrix file in numpy format (will be filename + .npy) """ def _add_axis(df, axis): return df.assign( axis=axis ) if self.symmetric: residues = self.residues_i else: res_i = _add_axis(self.residues_i, "i") res_j = _add_axis(self.residues_j, "j") residues = res_i.append(res_j) # save residue table residue_table_filename = filename + ".csv" residues.to_csv(residue_table_filename, index=True) # save distance matrix dist_mat_filename = filename + ".npy", self.dist_matrix) return residue_table_filename, dist_mat_filename
[docs] def dist(self, i, j, raise_na=True): """ Return distance of residue pair Parameters ---------- i : int or str Identifier of position on first axis j : int or str Identifier of position on second axis raise_na : bool, optional (default: True) Raise error if i or j is not contained in either axis. If False, returns np.nan for undefined entries. Returns ------- np.float Distance of pair (i, j). If raise_na is False and identifiers are not valid, distance will be np.nan Raises ------ KeyError If index i or j is not a valid identifier for respective chain """ # internally all identifiers are handled # as strings, so convert i, j = str(i), str(j) # check if identifiers are valid for either axis if i not in self.id_map_i: if raise_na: raise KeyError( "{} not contained in first axis of " "distance map".format(i) ) else: return np.nan if j not in self.id_map_j: if raise_na: raise KeyError( "{} not contained in second axis of " "distance map".format(j) ) else: return np.nan # if valid, return distance of pair return self.dist_matrix[ self.id_map_i[i], self.id_map_j[j] ]
def __getitem__(self, identifiers): """ Parameters ---------- identifiers : tuple(str, str) or tuple(int, int) Identifiers of residues on first and second chain Raises ------- KeyError If either residue identifier not valid """ i, j = identifiers return self.dist(i, j, raise_na=True)
[docs] def contacts(self, max_dist=5.0, min_dist=None): """ Return list of pairs below distance threshold Parameters ---------- max_dist : float, optional (default: 5.0) Maximum distance for any pair to be considered a contact min_dist : float, optional (default: None) Minimum distance of any pair to be returned (may be useful if extracting different distance ranges from matrix). Distance has to be > min_dist, (not >=). Returns ------- contacts : pandas.DataFrame Table with residue-residue contacts, with the following columns: 1. id_i: identifier of residue in chain i 2. id_j: identifier of residue in chain j 3. dist: pair distance """ # find which entries of matrix fulfill # distance criteria if min_dist is None: cond = np.where(self.dist_matrix <= max_dist) else: cond = np.where( (self.dist_matrix <= max_dist) & (self.dist_matrix > min_dist) ) i_all, j_all = cond # exclude diagonal entries of matrix since # they always have distance 0 nodiag = i_all != j_all i = i_all[nodiag] j = j_all[nodiag] # extract residue ids and distances for all contacts contacts = pd.DataFrame() contacts.loc[:, "i"] =[i] contacts.loc[:, "j"] =[j] contacts.loc[:, "dist"] = self.dist_matrix[i, j] return contacts
[docs] def transpose(self): """ Transpose distance map (i.e. swap axes) Returns ------- DistanceMap Transposed copy of distance map """ return DistanceMap( self.residues_j, self.residues_i, self.dist_matrix.T, self.symmetric )
[docs] @classmethod def aggregate(cls, *matrices, intersect=False, agg_func=np.nanmin): """ Aggregate with other distance map(s). Secondary structure will be aggregated by assigning the most frequent state across all distance matrices; if there are equal counts, H (helix) will be chosen over E (strand) over C (coil). Parameters ---------- ``*matrices`` : DistanceMap ``*args-style`` list of DistanceMaps that will be aggregated. .. note:: The id column of each axis may only contain numeric residue ids (and no characters such as insertion codes) intersect : bool, optional (default: False) If True, intersect indices of the given distance maps. Otherwise, union of indices will be used. agg_func : function (default: numpy.nanmin) Function that will be used to aggregate distance matrices. Needs to take a parameter "axis" to aggregate over all matrices. Returns ------- DistanceMap Aggregated distance map Raises ------ ValueError If residue identifiers are not numeric, or if intersect is True, but positions on axis do not overlap. """ def _sse_count(secstruct_elements): # obtain counts for each secondary structure element; # do not count nan entries counts = Counter(secstruct_elements.dropna()) # sort items by count (first) and secondary structure (second); # this way, most frequent element at the end of list, and # prioritizing H over E over C sorted_sse = sorted(counts.items(), key=itemgetter(1, 0)) # if no elements, make nan entry if len(sorted_sse) == 0: return np.nan else: return sorted_sse[-1][0] def _merge_axis(axis): # extract residue dataframes along axis # for all given distance maps dm = [ getattr(m, axis) for m in matrices ] # create set of residue identifiers along axis # for each distance map. Note that identifiers # have to be numeric for easy sorting, so # cast to int first try: ids = [ pd.to_numeric( for m in dm ] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Residue indices must be all numeric for aggregate function (no insertion codes allowed)" ) from e # turn series into sets id_sets = [set(id_list) for id_list in ids] # then create final set of identifiers along axis # either as union or intersection if intersect: new_ids = set.intersection(*id_sets) if len(new_ids) == 0: raise ValueError( "Intersection of positions on axis " "is empty, try intersect=False instead " "or remove non-overlapping DistanceMap(s)." ) else: new_ids = set.union(*id_sets) # create new axis index object for final distance map new_axis_df = pd.DataFrame(sorted(new_ids), columns=["id"]) # create mapping from one distance matrix into the other # by aligning indices from 0 in either matrix through # join on their residue id new_axis_map = new_axis_df.reset_index() mappings = [ new_axis_map.merge( id_list.to_frame("id").reset_index(drop=True).reset_index(), on="id", how="inner", suffixes=("_agg", "_src") ) for id_list in ids ] # turn residue ids back into strings new_axis_df.loc[:, "id"] = new_axis_df.loc[:, "id"].astype(str) # aggregate all residue dataframes into one joint table; # first, add prefix to all column names based on index or id # of respective distance map # try to use identifier if defined, otherwise just use index in list; # make sure the separator string is not contained in the identifier, otherwise replace it dm_ids = [ (str(, "") if is not None else i) for i, m in enumerate(matrices) ] # move residue identifier to index, and prefix all other column names. # Note we could use a pd.MultiIndex here instead of the separator approach, but that would mean # changing a lot of other code... # Note: do not rename columns that already have the separator in case this is because of iterative merging # get rid of previous aggregated secondary structure or it will get re-merged in iterative merging setups dm_dropped = [ m.drop( ["sec_struct_3state"], axis=1 ) if len(m.filter( regex=cls._id_separator + "sec_struct_3state").columns) >= 1 else m for m in dm ] dm_prefixed = [ m.set_index("id").rename( columns={ c: "{}{}{}".format(id_, cls._id_separator, c) for c in m.columns if cls._id_separator not in c } ) for id_, m in zip(dm_ids, dm_dropped) ] # second: join together individual_dm_merged = pd.concat( dm_prefixed, axis=1, join="inner" if intersect else "outer", sort=True ) # loses index name for some reason due to pd.concat = "id" # merge secondary structure assignments by identifying # most frequent assignment. If there are equal counts, # prefer H over E over C. # By starting from individual_dm_merged here, will always # merge over all individual distance maps, even if performing iterative aggregation secstruct_columns = individual_dm_merged.filter( regex=cls._id_separator + "sec_struct_3state" ) if len(secstruct_columns.columns) >= 1: # identify most frequent state per position merged_sse_assignment = secstruct_columns.apply( _sse_count, axis=1 ).to_frame( "sec_struct_3state" ) # merge to new axis table new_axis_df = new_axis_df.merge( merged_sse_assignment.reset_index(), on="id", how="left" ) new_axis_df = new_axis_df.merge( individual_dm_merged.reset_index(), on="id", how="left" ) return new_axis_df, mappings # make sure all matrices are either symmetric or non-symmetric symmetries = np.array([m.symmetric for m in matrices]) if not np.all(symmetries[0] == symmetries): raise ValueError( "DistanceMaps are mixed symmetric/non-symmetric." ) # create new axes of distance map new_res_i, maps_i = _merge_axis("residues_i") new_res_j, maps_j = _merge_axis("residues_j") # this is used to collected distance matrices for # later aggregtation new_mat = np.full( (len(matrices), len(new_res_i), len(new_res_j)), np.nan ) # put individual matrices into new indexing system # of merged distance map for k, m in enumerate(matrices): i_src, j_src = np.meshgrid( maps_i[k].index_src.values, maps_j[k].index_src.values, indexing="ij" ) i_agg, j_agg = np.meshgrid( maps_i[k].index_agg.values, maps_j[k].index_agg.values, indexing="ij" ) # check we have valid indices (otherwise # will crash on empty distance matrices) if (len(i_agg) == 0 or len(j_agg) == 0 or len(i_src) == 0 or len(j_src) == 0): raise ValueError( "Trying to aggregate distance matrices on empty set of positions." ) new_mat[k][i_agg, j_agg] = m.dist_matrix[i_src, j_src] # aggregate agg_mat = agg_func(new_mat, axis=0) return DistanceMap( new_res_i, new_res_j, agg_mat, symmetries[0] )
[docs] def structure_coverage(self): """ Find covered residue segments for individual structures that this distance map was computed from (either directly from structure or through aggregation of multiple structures). Only works if all residue identifiers of DistanceMap are numeric (i.e., do not have insertion codes) Returns ------- coverage : list of tuple Returns tuples of the form (coverage_i, coverage_j, coverage_id), where * coverage_i and coverage_j are lists of tuples (segment_start, segment_end) of residue coverage along axis i and j, with segment_end being included in the range * coverage_id is the identifier of the individual substructure the coverage segments belong to (only set if an aggregated structure, None otherwise) """ def _get_coverage_for_axis(axis): """ Determine structural coverage by individual structure for an axis i/j """ # proxy column for determining structure coverage coverage_col_name = "coord_id" residue_map = getattr( self, "residues_" + axis ) # create numeric index from residue IDs, # fail if insertion codes are present try: residue_map = residue_map.assign( id=pd.to_numeric( ) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Residue indices must be all numeric for aggregate function (no insertion codes allowed)" ) from e residue_map = residue_map.set_index("id") if coverage_col_name in residue_map: coverage_cols = residue_map[[coverage_col_name]] else: coverage_cols = residue_map.filter( regex=self._id_separator + coverage_col_name ) def _get_col_name(col_name): """ Get clean identifier name from dataframe columns """ # extract structure identifier (None if not an aggregated structure) if col_name == coverage_col_name: return else: return col_name.split(self._id_separator)[0] # extract coverage segments for all individual structures segments = { _get_col_name(col_name): find_segments(series.dropna().sort_index().index) for col_name, series in coverage_cols.iteritems() } return segments coverage_i = _get_coverage_for_axis("i") coverage_j = _get_coverage_for_axis("j") # should be the same in both cases, but to be on safe side if # users tinker with dataframes joint_keys = { k for k in coverage_i if k in coverage_j } coverage = [ (coverage_i[k], coverage_j[k], k) for k in joint_keys ] return coverage
def _prepare_structures(structures, pdb_id_list, raise_missing=True): """ Get structures ready for distance calculation Parameters ---------- structures : str or dict See intra_dists function for explanation pdb_id_list: List of PDB entries to load raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. Returns ------- dict dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as value """ # load structures if not yet done so if structures is None or isinstance(structures, str): structures = load_structures( pdb_id_list, structures, raise_missing ) return structures def _prepare_chain(structures, pdb_id, pdb_chain, atom_filter, mapping, model=0): """ Prepare PDB chain for distance calculation Parameters ---------- structures : dict Dictionary containing loaded PDB objects pdb_id : str ID of structure to extract chain from pdb_chain: str Chain ID to extract atom_filter : str Filter for this type of atom. Set to None if no filtering should be applied mapping : dict Seqres to Uniprot mapping that will be applied to Chain object model : int, optional (default: 0) Use this model from PDB structure Returns ------- Chain Chain prepared for distance calculation """ # get chain from structure chain = structures[pdb_id].get_chain(pdb_chain, model) # filter atoms if option selected if atom_filter is not None: chain = chain.filter_atoms(atom_filter) # remap chain to Uniprot chain = chain.remap(mapping) return chain
[docs]def intra_dists(sifts_result, structures=None, atom_filter=None, intersect=False, output_prefix=None, model=0, raise_missing=True): """ Compute intra-chain distances in PDB files. Parameters ---------- sifts_result : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for distance map calculation structures : str or dict, optional (default: None) If str: Load structures from directory this string points to. Missing structures will be fetched from web. If dict: dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as values. This dictionary has to contain all necessary structures, missing ones will not be fetched. This dictionary can be created using pdb.load_structures. atom_filter : str, optional (default: None) Filter coordinates to contain only these atoms. E.g. set to "CA" to compute C_alpha - C_alpha distances instead of minimum atom distance over all atoms in both residues. intersect : bool, optional (default: False) If True, intersect indices of the given distance maps. Otherwise, union of indices will be used. output_prefix : str, optional (default: None) If given, save individual contact maps to files prefixed with this string. The appended file suffixes map to row index in sifts_results.hits model : int, optional (default: 0) Index of model in PDB structure that should be used raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. Returns ------- agg_distmap : DistanceMap Computed aggregated distance map across all input structures Contains an additional attribute aggregated_residue_maps, a pd.DataFrame with the concatenated residue maps of all individual chains used to compute this DistanceMap. Individual chains are linked to the input sifts_results through the column sifts_table_index. If output_prefix is given, agg_distmap will have an additional attribute individual_distance_map_table: pd.DataFrame with all individual distance maps that went into the aggregated distance map, with columns "sifts_table_index" (linking to SIFTS hit table) and "residue_table" and "distance_matrix" (file names of .csv and .npy files constituting the respective distance map). Will be None if output_prefix is None. Raises ------ ValueError If sifts_result is empty (no structure hits) ResourceError If any structure could not be loaded and raise_missing is True """ if len(sifts_result.hits) == 0: raise ValueError( "sifts_result is empty (no structure hits, but at least one required)" ) # if no structures given, or path to files, load first structures = _prepare_structures( structures, sifts_result.hits.pdb_id, raise_missing ) # aggegrated distance map agg_distmap = None # create output folder if necessary if output_prefix is not None: create_prefix_folders(output_prefix) # collect information about individual distance maps here (only if output_prefix is defined) individual_distance_map_info = [] # collect information about residue map from target sequence to structure individual_residue_maps = [] # compute individual distance maps and aggregate for i, r in sifts_result.hits.iterrows(): # skip missing structures if not raise_missing and r["pdb_id"] not in structures: continue # extract and remap PDB chain chain = _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain"], atom_filter, sifts_result.mapping[r["mapping_index"]], model ) # skip empty chains if len(chain.residues) == 0: continue # compute distance map and set id distmap = DistanceMap.from_coords(chain) = i # store information about residues for each individual aggregated distance map # (only for axis i since distmap is symmetric) individual_residue_maps.append( distmap.residues_i.assign( sifts_table_index=i ) ) # save individual distance map if output_prefix is not None: residue_table_filename, dist_mat_filename = distmap.to_file( "{}_{}".format(output_prefix, i) ) individual_distance_map_info.append({ "sifts_table_index": i, "residue_table": residue_table_filename, "distance_matrix": dist_mat_filename }) # aggregate if agg_distmap is None: agg_distmap = distmap else: agg_distmap = DistanceMap.aggregate( agg_distmap, distmap, intersect=intersect ) if agg_distmap is not None: if len(individual_distance_map_info) > 0: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = pd.DataFrame( individual_distance_map_info ) else: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = None # aggregate residue maps into joint dataframe and attach to distance map agg_distmap.aggregated_residue_maps = pd.concat( individual_residue_maps ).reset_index(drop=True) return agg_distmap
[docs]def multimer_dists(sifts_result, structures=None, atom_filter=None, intersect=False, output_prefix=None, model=0, raise_missing=True): """ Compute homomultimer distances (between repeated copies of the same entity) in PDB file. Resulting distance matrix will be symmetric by minimization over upper and lower triangle of matrix, even if the complex structure is not symmetric. Parameters ---------- sifts_result : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for distance map calculation structures : str or dict, optional (default: None) If str: Load structures from directory this string points to. Missing structures will be fetched from web. If dict: dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as values. This dictionary has to contain all necessary structures, missing ones will not be fetched. This dictionary can be created using pdb.load_structures. atom_filter : str, optional (default: None) Filter coordinates to contain only these atoms. E.g. set to "CA" to compute C_alpha - C_alpha distances instead of minimum atom distance over all atoms in both residues. intersect : bool, optional (default: False) If True, intersect indices of the given distance maps. Otherwise, union of indices will be used. output_prefix : str, optional (default: None) If given, save individual contact maps to files prefixed with this string. The appended file suffixes map to row index in sifts_results.hits model : int, optional (default: 0) Index of model in PDB structure that should be used raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. Returns ------- agg_distmap : DistanceMap Computed aggregated distance map across all input structures If output_prefix is given, agg_distmap will have an additional attribute individual_distance_map_table: pd.DataFrame with all individual distance maps that went into the aggregated distance map, with columns "sifts_table_index_i", "sifts_table_index_j" (linking to SIFTS hit table) and "residue_table" and "distance_matrix" (file names of .csv and .npy files constituting the respective distance map). Will be None if output_prefix is None. Raises ------ ValueError If sifts_result is empty (no structure hits) ResourceError If any structure could not be loaded and raise_missing is True """ if len(sifts_result.hits) == 0: raise ValueError( "sifts_result is empty (no structure hits, but at least one required)" ) # if no structures given, or path to files, load first structures = _prepare_structures( structures, sifts_result.hits.pdb_id, raise_missing ) # aggegrated distance map agg_distmap = None # create output folder if necessary if output_prefix is not None: create_prefix_folders(output_prefix) # collect information about individual distance maps here (only if output_prefix is defined) individual_distance_maps = [] # go through each structure for pdb_id, grp in sifts_result.hits.reset_index().groupby("pdb_id"): # skip missing structures if not raise_missing and pdb_id not in structures: continue # extract all chains for this structure chains = [ ( r["index"], _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain"], atom_filter, sifts_result.mapping[r["mapping_index"]], model ) ) for i, r in grp.iterrows() ] # compare all possible pairs of chains for (index_i, ch_i), (index_j, ch_j) in combinations(chains, 2): # skip empty chains (e.g. residues lost during remapping) if len(ch_i.residues) == 0 or len(ch_j.residues) == 0: continue distmap = DistanceMap.from_coords(ch_i, ch_j) # set distance map id = "{}_{}".format(index_i, index_j) # symmetrize matrix (for ECs we are only interested if a pair # is close in some combination) distmap_transposed = distmap.transpose() = + "_T" distmap_sym = DistanceMap.aggregate( distmap, distmap_transposed, intersect=intersect ) distmap_sym.symmetric = True # save individual distance map if output_prefix is not None: residue_table_filename, dist_mat_filename = distmap_sym.to_file("{}_{}_{}".format( output_prefix, index_i, index_j) ) individual_distance_maps.append({ "sifts_table_index_i": index_i, "sifts_table_index_j": index_j, "residue_table": residue_table_filename, "distance_matrix": dist_mat_filename }) # aggregate with other chain combinations if agg_distmap is None: agg_distmap = distmap_sym else: agg_distmap = DistanceMap.aggregate( agg_distmap, distmap_sym, intersect=intersect ) if agg_distmap is not None: if len(individual_distance_maps) > 0: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = pd.DataFrame( individual_distance_maps ) else: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = None return agg_distmap
[docs]def inter_dists(sifts_result_i, sifts_result_j, structures=None, atom_filter=None, intersect=False, output_prefix=None, model=0, raise_missing=True): """ Compute inter-chain distances (between different entities) in PDB file. Resulting distance map is typically not symmetric, with either axis corresponding to either chain. Inter-distances are calculated on all combinations of chains that have the same PDB id in sifts_result_i and sifts_result_j. Parameters ---------- sifts_result_i : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for first axis of computed distance map sifts_result_j : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for second axis of computed distance map structures : str or dict, optional (default: None) * If str: Load structures from directory this string points to. Missing structures will be fetched from web. * If dict: dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as values. This dictionary has to contain all necessary structures, missing ones will not be fetched. This dictionary can be created using pdb.load_structures. atom_filter : str, optional (default: None) Filter coordinates to contain only these atoms. E.g. set to "CA" to compute C_alpha - C_alpha distances instead of minimum atom distance over all atoms in both residues. intersect : bool, optional (default: False) If True, intersect indices of the given distance maps. Otherwise, union of indices will be used. output_prefix : str, optional (default: None) If given, save individual contact maps to files prefixed with this string. The appended file suffixes map to row index in sifts_results.hits model : int, optional (default: 0) Index of model in PDB structure that should be used raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. Returns ------- agg_distmap : DistanceMap Computed aggregated distance map across all input structures If output_prefix is given, agg_distmap will have an additional attribute individual_distance_map_table: pd.DataFrame with all individual distance maps that went into the aggregated distance map, with columns "sifts_table_index_i", "sifts_table_index_j" (linking to SIFTS hit table) and "residue_table" and "distance_matrix" (file names of .csv and .npy files constituting the respective distance map). Will be None if output_prefix is None. Raises ------ ValueError If sifts_result_i or sifts_result_j is empty (no structure hits) ResourceError If any structure could not be loaded and raise_missing is True """ def _get_chains(sifts_result): return { i: _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain"], atom_filter, sifts_result.mapping[r["mapping_index"]], model ) for i, r in sifts_result.hits.iterrows() if raise_missing or r["pdb_id"] in structures } if len(sifts_result_i.hits) == 0 or len(sifts_result_j.hits) == 0: raise ValueError( "sifts_result_i or sifts_result_j is empty " "(no structure hits, but at least one required)" ) # if no structures given, or path to files, load first structures = _prepare_structures( structures, sifts_result_i.hits.pdb_id.append( sifts_result_j.hits.pdb_id ), raise_missing ) # aggegrated distance map agg_distmap = None # create output folder if necessary if output_prefix is not None: create_prefix_folders(output_prefix) # collect information about individual distance maps here (only if output_prefix is defined) individual_distance_maps = [] # determine which combinations of chains to look at # (anything that has same PDB identifier) combis = sifts_result_i.hits.reset_index().merge( sifts_result_j.hits.reset_index(), on="pdb_id", suffixes=("_i", "_j") ) # extract chains for each subunit chains_i = _get_chains(sifts_result_i) chains_j = _get_chains(sifts_result_j) # go through all chain combinations for i, r in combis.iterrows(): # skip missing structures if not raise_missing and r["pdb_id"] not in structures: continue index_i = r["index_i"] index_j = r["index_j"] # skip empty chains if (len(chains_i[index_i].residues) == 0 or len(chains_j[index_j].residues) == 0): continue # compute distance map for current chain pair distmap = DistanceMap.from_coords( chains_i[index_i], chains_j[index_j], ) # set distance map id = "{}_{}".format(index_i, index_j) # save individual distance map if output_prefix is not None: residue_table_filename, dist_mat_filename = distmap.to_file("{}_{}_{}".format( output_prefix, index_i, index_j) ) individual_distance_maps.append({ "sifts_table_index_i": index_i, "sifts_table_index_j": index_j, "residue_table": residue_table_filename, "distance_matrix": dist_mat_filename }) # aggregate with other chain combinations if agg_distmap is None: agg_distmap = distmap else: agg_distmap = DistanceMap.aggregate( agg_distmap, distmap, intersect=intersect ) if agg_distmap is not None: if len(individual_distance_maps) > 0: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = pd.DataFrame( individual_distance_maps ) else: agg_distmap.individual_distance_map_table = None return agg_distmap
def _remap_sequence(chain, sequence): """ Changes the residue names in an input PDB chain to the given sequence (both one letter and three letter codes). Parameters ---------- chain : Chain PDB chain that will be remapped sequence : dict Mapping from sequence position (int or str) to residue. Residues in the output structures will be renamed to the residues in this mapping (without any changes what the residues actually are in the structure in terms of atoms) Returns ------- Chain PDB chain with updated sequence """ chain = deepcopy(chain) # change one letter code chain.residues.loc[ :, "one_letter_code" ] = # and three letter code chain.residues.loc[ :, "three_letter_code" ] = # drop anything we could not map chain.residues = chain.residues.dropna( subset=["one_letter_code", "three_letter_code"] ) return chain
[docs]def remap_chains(sifts_result, output_prefix, sequence=None, structures=None, atom_filter=("N", "CA", "C", "O"), model=0, chain_name="A", raise_missing=True): """ Remap a set of PDB chains into the numbering scheme (and amino acid sequence) of a target sequence (a.k.a. the poorest homology model possible). (This function is placed here because of close relationship to intra_dists and reusing functionality for it). Parameters ---------- sifts_result : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for remapping output_prefix : str Save remapped structures to files prefixed with this string sequence : dict, optional (default: None) Mapping from sequence position (int or str) to residue. If this parameter is given, residues in the output structures will be renamed to the residues in this mapping. .. note:: if side-chain residues are not taken off using atom_filter, this will e.g. happily label an actual glutamate as an alanine). structures : str or dict, optional (default: None) * If str: Load structures from directory this string points to. Missing structures will be fetched from web. * If dict: dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as values. This dictionary has to contain all necessary structures, missing ones will not be fetched. This dictionary can be created using pdb.load_structures. atom_filter : str, optional (default: ("N", "CA", "C", "O")) Filter coordinates to contain only these atoms. If None, will retain all atoms; the default value will only keep backbone atoms. model : int, optional (default: 0) Index of model in PDB structure that should be used chain_name : str, optional (default: "A") Rename the PDB chain to this when saving the file. This will not affect the file name, only the name of the chain in the PDB object. raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. Returns ------ remapped : dict Mapping from index of each structure hit in sifts_results.hits to filename of stored remapped structure """ # if no structures given, or path to files, load first structures = _prepare_structures( structures, sifts_result.hits.pdb_id, raise_missing ) # create output folder if necessary if output_prefix is not None: create_prefix_folders(output_prefix) # collect remapped chains remapped = {} # make sure keys in sequence map are strings, # since indices in structures are stored as strings if sequence is not None: sequence = { str(k): v for k, v in sequence.items() } # go through each structure for idx, r in sifts_result.hits.iterrows(): # skip missing structures if not raise_missing and r["pdb_id"] not in structures: continue # extract and remap PDB chain chain = _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain"], atom_filter, sifts_result.mapping[r["mapping_index"]], model ) # if a map from sequence index to residue is given, # use it to rename the residues to the target sequence if sequence is not None: chain = _remap_sequence(chain, sequence) # save model coordinates to .pdb file - note that the # file name will contain the original chain name in # the source PDB file, while the chain itself will be # remapped according to chain_name parameter filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}.pdb".format( output_prefix, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain"], r["mapping_index"] ) # save to file with open(filename, "w") as f: chain.to_file(f, chain_id=chain_name, first_atom_id=1) # typecast index so it is regular python type, not numpy # (important for yaml dump) remapped[int(idx)] = filename return remapped
[docs]def remap_complex_chains(sifts_result_i, sifts_result_j, sequence_i=None, sequence_j=None, structures=None, atom_filter=("N", "CA", "C", "O"), output_prefix=None, raise_missing=True, chain_name_i="A", chain_name_j="B", model=0): """ Remap a pair of PDB chains from the same structure into the numbering scheme (and amino acid sequence) of a target sequence. Parameters ---------- sifts_result_i : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for remapping sifts_result_j : SIFTSResult Input structures and mapping to use for remapping output_prefix : str Save remapped structures to files prefixed with this string sequence_i : dict, optional (default: None) Mapping from sequence position (int or str) in the first sequence to residue. If this parameter is given, residues in the output structures will be renamed to the residues in this mapping. .. note:: if side-chain residues are not taken off using atom_filter, this will e.g. happily label an actual glutamate as an alanine). sequence_j : dict, optional (default: None) Same as sequence_j for second sequence. structures : str or dict, optional (default: None) * If str: Load structures from directory this string points to. Missing structures will be fetched from web. * If dict: dictionary with lower-case PDB ids as keys and PDB objects as values. This dictionary has to contain all necessary structures, missing ones will not be fetched. This dictionary can be created using pdb.load_structures. atom_filter : str, optional (default: ("N", "CA", "C", "O")) Filter coordinates to contain only these atoms. If None, will retain all atoms; the default value will only keep backbone atoms. model : int, optional (default: 0) Index of model in PDB structure that should be used raise_missing : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ResourceError if any of the input structures can not be loaded; otherwise, ignore missing entries. chain_name_i : str, optional (default: "A") Renames the first chain to this string chain_name_j : str, optional (default: "B") Renames the second chain to this string Returns ------- remapped : dict Mapping from index of each structure hit in sifts_results.hits to filename of stored remapped structure Raises ------ ValueError If sifts_result_i or sifts_result_j is empty (no structure hits) ResourceError If any structure could not be loaded and raise_missing is True """ if len(sifts_result_i.hits) == 0 or len(sifts_result_j.hits) == 0: raise ValueError( "sifts_result_i or sifts_result_j is empty " "(no structure hits, but at least one required)" ) # make sure keys in sequence map are strings, # since indices in structures are stored as strings if sequence_i is not None: sequence_i = { str(k): v for k, v in sequence_i.items() } if sequence_j is not None: sequence_j = { str(k): v for k, v in sequence_j.items() } # create output folder if necessary if output_prefix is not None: create_prefix_folders(output_prefix) # determine which combinations of chains to look at # (anything that has same PDB identifier) combis = sifts_result_i.hits.reset_index().merge( sifts_result_j.hits.reset_index(), on="pdb_id", suffixes=("_i", "_j") ) # if no structures given, or path to files, load first structures = _prepare_structures( structures, combis.pdb_id, raise_missing ) remapped = {} # go through all chain combinations for i, r in combis.iterrows(): # extract and remap PDB chain chain_i = _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain_i"], atom_filter, sifts_result_i.mapping[r["mapping_index_i"]], model ) # if a map from sequence index to residue is given, # use it to rename the residues to the target sequence if sequence_i is not None: # change one letter code chain_i = _remap_sequence(chain_i, sequence_i) # if the user specified a new chain name, change the chain name original_pdb_chain_i = r["pdb_chain_i"] # extract and remap PDB chain chain_j = _prepare_chain( structures, r["pdb_id"], r["pdb_chain_j"], atom_filter, sifts_result_j.mapping[r["mapping_index_j"]], model ) # if a map from sequence index to residue is given, # use it to rename the residues to the target sequence if sequence_j is not None: # change one letter code chain_j = _remap_sequence(chain_j, sequence_j) # if the user specified a new chain name, change the chain name original_pdb_chain_j = r["pdb_chain_j"] # save model coordinates to .pdb file filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdb".format( output_prefix, r["pdb_id"], original_pdb_chain_i, r["mapping_index_i"], original_pdb_chain_j, r["mapping_index_j"] ) # save to file with open(filename, "w") as f: chain_i.to_file( f, chain_id=chain_name_i, first_atom_id=1, end=False ) chain_j.to_file( f, chain_id=chain_name_j, first_atom_id=len(chain_i.coords) + 1 ) # typecast index so it is regular python type, not numpy # (important for yaml dump) remapped[int(i)] = filename return remapped