Source code for

Uniprot to PDB structure identification and
index mapping using the SIFTS database

This functionality is centered around the
pdb_chain_uniprot.csv table available from SIFTS.

  Thomas A. Hopf
  Anna G. Green (find_homologs)
  Chan Kang (find_homologs)

from os import path
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import pandas as pd
import requests

from evcouplings.align.alignment import (
    Alignment, read_fasta, parse_header
from evcouplings.align.protocol import (
    jackhmmer_search, hmmbuild_and_search
from import read_hmmer_domtbl
from import map_indices
from evcouplings.utils.system import (
    get_urllib, ResourceError, valid_file, tempdir, temp
from evcouplings.utils.config import (
    parse_config, check_required, InvalidParameterError
from evcouplings.utils.helpers import range_overlap


# TODO: make this default parametrization more explicit (e.g. a config file in repository)
# these parameters are fed as a default into SIFTS.by_alignment so that the method can be
# easily used without a configuration file/any further setup
first_index: 1

use_bitscores: True
domain_threshold: 0.5
sequence_threshold: 0.5
iterations: 1
database: sequence_database

extract_annotation: False
cpu: 1
nobias: False
reuse_alignment: False
checkpoints_hmm: False
checkpoints_ali: False

# database
jackhmmer: jackhmmer

[docs]def fetch_uniprot_mapping(ids, from_="ACC", to="ACC", format="fasta"): """ Fetch data from UniProt ID mapping service (e.g. download set of sequences) Parameters ---------- ids : list(str) List of UniProt identifiers for which to retrieve mapping from_ : str, optional (default: "ACC") Source identifier (i.e. contained in "ids" list) to : str, optional (default: "ACC") Target identifier (to which source should be mapped) format : str, optional (default: "fasta") Output format to request from Uniprot server Returns ------- str: Response from UniProt server """ params = { "from": from_, "to": to, "format": format, "query": " ".join(ids) } url = UNIPROT_MAPPING_URL r =, data=params) if r.status_code != raise ResourceError( "Invalid status code ({}) for URL: {}".format( r.status_code, url ) ) return r.text
[docs]def find_homologs(pdb_alignment_method="jackhmmer", **kwargs): """ Identify homologs using jackhmmer or hmmbuild/hmmsearch Parameters ---------- pdb_alignment_method : {"jackhmmer", "hmmsearch"}, optional (default: "jackhmmer") Sequence alignment method used for searching the PDB **kwargs Passed into jackhmmer / hmmbuild_and_search protocol (see documentation for available options) Returns ------- ali : evcouplings.align.Alignment Alignment of homologs of query sequence in sequence database hits : pandas.DataFrame Tabular representation of hits """ # load default configuration config = parse_config(HMMER_CONFIG) # update with overrides from kwargs config = { **config, **kwargs, } # create temporary output if no prefix is given if config["prefix"] is None: config["prefix"] = path.join(tempdir(), "compare") check_required( config, ["prefix"] ) # run hmmsearch (possibly preceded by hmmbuild) if pdb_alignment_method == "hmmsearch": # set up config to run hmmbuild_and_search on the unfiltered alignment file updated_config = deepcopy(config) updated_config["alignment_file"] = config.get("raw_focus_alignment_file") ar = hmmbuild_and_search(**updated_config) # For hmmbuild and search, we have to read the raw focus alignment file # to guarantee that the query sequence is present with open(ar["raw_focus_alignment_file"]) as a: ali = Alignment.from_file(a, "fasta") # run jackhmmer against sequence database # at this point we have already checked to ensure # that the input is either jackhmmer or hmmsearch elif pdb_alignment_method == "jackhmmer": ar = jackhmmer_search(**config) with open(ar["raw_alignment_file"]) as a: ali = Alignment.from_file(a, "stockholm") # write alignment as FASTA file for easier checking by hand, # if necessary with open(config["prefix"] + "_raw.fasta", "w") as f: ali.write(f) else: raise InvalidParameterError( "Invalid pdb_alignment_method selected. Valid options are: " + ", ".join(["jackhmmer", "hmmsearch"]) ) # read hmmer hittable and simplify hits = read_hmmer_domtbl(ar["hittable_file"]) hits.loc[:, "uniprot_ac"] = hits.loc[:, "target_name"].map(lambda x: x.split("|")[1]) hits.loc[:, "uniprot_id"] = hits.loc[:, "target_name"].map(lambda x: x.split("|")[2]) hits = hits.rename( columns={ "domain_score": "bitscore", "domain_i_Evalue": "e_value", "ali_from": "alignment_start", "ali_to": "alignment_end", "hmm_from": "hmm_start", "hmm_to": "hmm_end", } ) hits.loc[:, "alignment_start"] = pd.to_numeric(hits.alignment_start).astype(int) hits.loc[:, "alignment_end"] = pd.to_numeric(hits.alignment_end).astype(int) hits.loc[:, "alignment_id"] = ( hits.target_name + "/" + hits.alignment_start.astype(str) + "-" + hits.alignment_end.astype(str) ) hits = hits.loc[ :, ["alignment_id", "uniprot_ac", "uniprot_id", "alignment_start", "alignment_end", "bitscore", "e_value"] ] return ali, hits
[docs]class SIFTSResult: """ Store results of SIFTS structure/mapping identification. (Full class defined for easify modification of fields) """ def __init__(self, hits, mapping): """ Create new SIFTS structure / mapping record. Parameters ---------- hits : pandas.DataFrame Table with identified PDB chains mapping : dict Mapping from seqres to Uniprot numbering for each PDB chain (index by mapping_index column in hits dataframe) """ self.hits = hits self.mapping = mapping
[docs]class SIFTS: """ Provide Uniprot to PDB mapping data and functions starting from SIFTS mapping table. """ def __init__(self, sifts_table_file, sequence_file=None): """ Create new SIFTS mapper from mapping table. Note that creation of the mapping files, if not existing, takes a while. Parameters ---------- sifts_table_file : str Path to *corrected* SIFTS pdb_chain_uniprot.csv To generate this file, point to an empty file path. sequence_file : str, optional (default: None) Path to file containing all UniProt sequences in SIFTS (used for homology-based identification of structures). Note: This file can be created using the create_sequence_file() method. """ # test if table exists, if not, download and modify if not valid_file(sifts_table_file): self._create_mapping_table(sifts_table_file) self.table = pd.read_csv( sifts_table_file, comment="#" ) # final table has still some entries where lengths do not match, # remove these self.table = self.table.query( "(resseq_end - resseq_start) == (uniprot_end - uniprot_start)" ) self.sequence_file = sequence_file # if path for sequence file given, but not there, create if sequence_file is not None and not valid_file(sequence_file): self.create_sequence_file(sequence_file) # add Uniprot ID column if we have sequence mapping # from FASTA file if self.sequence_file is not None: self._add_uniprot_ids() def _create_mapping_table(self, sifts_table_file): """ Create modified SIFTS mapping table (based on file at SIFTS_URL). For some of the entries, the Uniprot sequence ranges do not map to a SEQRES sequence range of the same length. These PDB IDs will be entirely replaced by a segment- based mapping extracted from the SIFTS REST API. Parameters ---------- sifts_table_file : str Path where computed table will be stored """ def extract_rows(M, pdb_id): res = [] M = M[pdb_id.lower()]["UniProt"] for uniprot_ac, Ms in M.items(): for x in Ms["mappings"]: res.append({ "pdb_id": pdb_id, "pdb_chain": x["chain_id"], "uniprot_ac": uniprot_ac, "resseq_start": x["start"]["residue_number"], "resseq_end": x["end"]["residue_number"], "coord_start": ( str(x["start"]["author_residue_number"]) + x["start"]["author_insertion_code"].replace(" ", "") ), "coord_end": ( str(x["end"]["author_residue_number"]) + x["end"]["author_insertion_code"].replace(" ", "") ), "uniprot_start": x["unp_start"], "uniprot_end": x["unp_end"], }) return res # download SIFTS table (gzip-compressed csv) to temp file temp_download_file = temp() get_urllib(SIFTS_URL, temp_download_file) # load table and rename columns for internal use, if SIFTS # ever decided to rename theirs table = pd.read_csv( temp_download_file, comment="#", compression="gzip" ).rename( columns={ "PDB": "pdb_id", "CHAIN": "pdb_chain", "SP_PRIMARY": "uniprot_ac", "RES_BEG": "resseq_start", "RES_END": "resseq_end", "PDB_BEG": "coord_start", "PDB_END": "coord_end", "SP_BEG": "uniprot_start", "SP_END": "uniprot_end", } ) # TODO: remove the following if new segment-based table proves as robust solution """ # this block disabled for now due to use of new table # based on observed UniProt segments # - can probably be removed eventually # identify problematic PDB IDs problematic_ids = table.query( "(resseq_end - resseq_start) != (uniprot_end - uniprot_start)" ).pdb_id.unique() # collect new mappings from segment based REST API res = [] for i, pdb_id in enumerate(problematic_ids): r = requests.get( SIFTS_REST_API.format(pdb_id.lower()) ) mapping = json.loads(r.text) res += extract_rows(mapping, pdb_id) # remove bad PDB IDs from table and add new mapping new_table = table.loc[~table.pdb_id.isin(problematic_ids)] # also disabled due to use of new table based on observed # UniProt segments - can probably be removed eventually new_table = new_table.append( pd.DataFrame(res).loc[:, table.columns] ) """ # save for later reuse table.to_csv(sifts_table_file, index=False) def _add_uniprot_ids(self): """ Add Uniprot ID column to SIFTS table based on AC to ID mapping extracted from sequence database """ # iterate through headers in sequence file and store # AC to ID mapping ac_to_id = {} with open(self.sequence_file) as f: for seq_id, _ in read_fasta(f): _, ac, id_ = seq_id.split(" ")[0].split("|") ac_to_id[ac] = id_ # add column to dataframe self.table.loc[:, "uniprot_id"] = self.table.loc[:, "uniprot_ac"].map(ac_to_id)
[docs] def create_sequence_file(self, output_file, chunk_size=1000, max_retries=100): """ Create FASTA sequence file containing all UniProt sequences of proteins in SIFTS. This file is required for homology-based structure identification and index remapping. This function will also automatically associate the sequence file with the SIFTS object. Parameters ---------- output_file : str Path at which to store sequence file chunk_size : int, optional (default: 1000) Retrieve sequences from UniProt in chunks of this size (too large chunks cause the mapping service to stall) max_retries : int, optional (default: 100) Allow this many retries when fetching sequences from UniProt ID mapping service, which unfortunately often suffers from connection failures. """ ids = self.table.uniprot_ac.unique().tolist() # retrieve sequences in chunks since ID mapping service # tends to fail on large requests id_chunks = [ ids[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(ids), chunk_size) ] # store individual retrieved chunks as list of strings seq_chunks = [] # keep track of how many retries were necessary and # abort if number exceeds max_retries num_retries = 0 for ch in id_chunks: # fetch sequence chunk; # if there is a problem retry as long as we stay within # maximum number of retries while True: try: seqs = fetch_uniprot_mapping(ch) break except requests.ConnectionError as e: # count as failed try num_retries += 1 # if we retried too often, abort if num_retries > max_retries: raise ResourceError( "Could not fetch sequences for SIFTS mapping tables from UniProt since " "maximum number of retries after connection errors was exceeded. Retry " "at a later time, or call SIFTS.create_sequence_file() with a higher value " "for max_retries." ) from e # rename identifiers in sequence file, so # we can circumvent Uniprot sequence identifiers # being prefixed by hmmer if a hit has exactly the # same identifier as the query sequence seqs = seqs.replace( ">sp|", ">evsp|", ).replace( ">tr|", ">evtr|", ) assert seqs.endswith("\n") # store for writing seq_chunks.append(seqs) # store sequences to FASTA file in one go at the end with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write("".join(seq_chunks)) self.sequence_file = output_file # add Uniprot ID column to SIFTS table self._add_uniprot_ids()
def _create_sequence_file(self, output_file): """ Create FASTA sequence file containing all UniProt sequences of proteins in SIFTS. This file is required for homology-based structure identification and index remapping. This function will also automatically associate the sequence file with the SIFTS object. Note: this would be the nicer function, but unfortunately the UniProt server frequently closes the connection running it Parameters ---------- output_file : str Path at which to store sequence file """ # fetch all the sequences seqs = fetch_uniprot_mapping( self.table.uniprot_ac.unique().tolist() ) # then store to FASTA file with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write(seqs) self.sequence_file = output_file def _finalize_hits(self, hit_segments): """ Create final hit/mapping record from table of segments in PDB chains in SIFTS file. Parameters ---------- hit_segments : pd.DataFrame Subset of self.table that will be turned into final mapping record Returns ------- SIFTSResult Identified hits plus index mappings to Uniprot """ # compile final set of hits hits = [] # compile mapping from Uniprot to seqres for # each final hit mappings = {} # go through all SIFTS segments per PDB chain for i, ((pdb_id, pdb_chain), chain_grp) in enumerate( hit_segments.groupby(["pdb_id", "pdb_chain"]) ): # put segments together in one segment-based # mapping for chain; this will be used by pdb.Chain.remap() mapping = { (r["resseq_start"], r["resseq_end"]): (r["uniprot_start"], r["uniprot_end"]) for j, r in chain_grp.iterrows() } # append current hit and mapping hits.append([pdb_id, pdb_chain, i]) mappings[i] = mapping # create final hit representation as DataFrame hits_df = pd.DataFrame( hits, columns=["pdb_id", "pdb_chain", "mapping_index"] ) return SIFTSResult(hits_df, mappings)
[docs] def by_pdb_id(self, pdb_id, pdb_chain=None, uniprot_id=None): """ Find structures and mapping by PDB id and chain name Parameters ---------- pdb_id : str 4-letter PDB identifier pdb_chain : str, optional (default: None) PDB chain name (if not given, all chains for PDB entry will be returned) uniprot_id : str, optional (default: None) Filter to keep only this Uniprot accession number or identifier (necessary for chimeras, or multi-chain complexes with different proteins) Returns ------- SIFTSResult Identified hits plus index mappings to Uniprot Raises ------ ValueError If selected segments in PDB file do not unambigously map to one Uniprot entry """ pdb_id = pdb_id.lower() query = "pdb_id == @pdb_id" # filter by PDB chain if selected if pdb_chain is not None: query += " and pdb_chain == @pdb_chain" # filter by UniProt AC/ID if selected # (to remove chimeras) if uniprot_id is not None: if "uniprot_id" in self.table.columns: query += (" and (uniprot_ac == @uniprot_id or " "uniprot_id == @uniprot_id)") else: query += " and uniprot_ac == @uniprot_id" x = self.table.query(query) # check we only have one protein (might not # be the case with multiple chains, or with # chimeras) if len(x.uniprot_ac.unique()) > 1: id_list = ", ".join(x.uniprot_ac.unique()) if "uniprot_id" in self.table.columns: id_list += " or " + ", ".join(x.uniprot_id.unique()) raise ValueError( "Multiple Uniprot sequences on chains, " "please disambiguate using uniprot_id " "parameter: {}".format(id_list) ) # create hit and mapping result return self._finalize_hits(x)
[docs] def by_uniprot_id(self, uniprot_id, reduce_chains=False): """ Find structures and mapping by Uniprot access number. Parameters ---------- uniprot_ac : str Find PDB structures for this Uniprot accession number. If sequence_file was given while creating the SIFTS object, Uniprot identifiers can also be used. reduce_chains : bool, optional (Default: True) If true, keep only first chain per PDB ID (i.e. remove redundant occurrences of same protein in PDB structures). Should be set to False to identify homomultimeric contacts. Returns ------- SIFTSResult Record of hits and mappings found for this Uniprot protein. See by_pdb_id() for detailed explanation of fields. """ query = "uniprot_ac == @uniprot_id" if "uniprot_id" in self.table.columns: query += " or uniprot_id == @uniprot_id" x = self.table.query(query) hit_table = self._finalize_hits(x) # only retain one chain if this option is active if reduce_chains: hit_table.hits = hit_table.hits.groupby( "pdb_id" ).first().reset_index() return hit_table
[docs] def by_alignment(self, min_overlap=20, reduce_chains=False, **kwargs): """ Find structures by sequence alignment between query sequence and sequences in PDB. Parameters ---------- min_overlap : int, optional (default: 20) Require at least this many aligned positions with the target structure reduce_chains : bool, optional (Default: True) If true, keep only first chain per PDB ID (i.e. remove redundant occurrences of same protein in PDB structures). Should be set to False to identify homomultimeric contacts. **kwargs Defines the behaviour of find_homologs() function used to find homologs by sequence alignment: - which alignment method is used (pdb_alignment_method: {"jackhmmer", "hmmsearch"}, default: "jackhmmer"), - parameters passed into the protocol for the selected alignment method (evcouplings.align.jackhmmer_search or evcouplings.align.hmmbuild_and_search). Default parameters are set in the HMMER_CONFIG string in this module, other parameters will need to be overriden; these minimally are: - for pdb_alignment_method == "jackhmmer": - sequence_id : str, identifier of target sequence - jackhmmer : str, path to jackhmmer binary if not on path - for pdb_alignment_method == "hmmsearch": - sequence_id : str, identifier of target sequence - raw_focus_alignment_file : str, path to input alignment file - hmmbuild : str, path to hmmbuild binary if not on path - hmmsearch : str, path to search binary if not on path - additionally, if "prefix" is given, individual mappings will be saved to files suffixed by the respective key in mapping table. Returns ------- SIFTSResult Record of hits and mappings found for this query sequence by alignment. See by_pdb_id() for detailed explanation of fields. """ def _create_mapping(r): _, query_start, query_end = parse_header(ali.ids[0]) # create mapping from query into PDB Uniprot sequence # A_i will be query sequence indices, A_j Uniprot sequence indices m = map_indices( ali[0], query_start, query_end, ali[r["alignment_id"]], r["alignment_start"], r["alignment_end"] ) # create mapping from PDB Uniprot into seqres numbering # j will be Uniprot sequence index, k seqres index n = pd.DataFrame( { "j": list(range(r["uniprot_start"], r["uniprot_end"] + 1)), "k": list(range(r["resseq_start"], r["resseq_end"] + 1)), } ) # need to convert to strings since other mapping has indices as strings n.loc[:, "j"] = n.j.astype(str) n.loc[:, "k"] = n.k.astype(str) # join over Uniprot indices (i.e. j); # get rid of any position that is not aligned mn = m.merge(n, on="j", how="inner").dropna() # extract final mapping from seqres (k) to query (i) map_ = dict( zip(mn.k, mn.i) ) return map_, mn if self.sequence_file is None: raise ValueError( "Need to have SIFTS sequence file. " "Create using create_sequence_file() " "method or constructor." ) ali, hits = find_homologs( sequence_database=self.sequence_file, **kwargs ) # merge with internal table to identify overlap of # aligned regions and regions with structural coverage hits = hits.merge( self.table, on="uniprot_ac", suffixes=("", "_") ) # add 1 to end of range since overlap function treats # ends as exclusive, while ends here are inclusive hits.loc[:, "overlap"] = [ range_overlap( (r["uniprot_start"], r["uniprot_end"] + 1), (r["alignment_start"], r["alignment_end"] + 1) ) for i, r in hits.iterrows() ] # collect complete index mappings in here... mappings = {} # ... as well as dataframe rows for assignment of hit to mapping mapping_rows = [] # complication: if there are multiple segments per hit and chain, we should # reduce these into a single mapping (even though split mappings # are possible in principle) so we can count unique number of hits etc. hit_columns = ["alignment_id", "pdb_id", "pdb_chain"] for i, (hit, grp) in enumerate( hits.groupby(hit_columns) ): agg_mapping = {} agg_df = pd.DataFrame() # go through each segment for j, r in grp.iterrows(): # compute mapping for that particular segment map_j, map_j_df = _create_mapping(r) # add to overall mapping dictionary for this hit agg_mapping.update(map_j) agg_df = agg_df.append(map_j_df) # store assignment of group to mapping index mapping_rows.append( list(hit) + [i, len(grp) > 1] ) mappings[i] = agg_mapping # store index mappings if filename prefix is given prefix = kwargs.get("prefix", None) if prefix is not None: agg_df = agg_df.rename( columns={ "j": "uniprot_of_pdb_index", "A_j": "uniprot_of_pdb_residue", "k": "pdb_seqres_index", } ) agg_df.to_csv( "{}_mapping{}.csv".format(prefix, i), index=False ) # create dataframe from mapping rows mapping_df = pd.DataFrame( mapping_rows, columns=hit_columns + [ "mapping_index", "grouped_segments", ] ) # split residue name into residue number and (potential) insertion code # for proper sorting def _split_insertion_code(res): # should not happen but just to be safe assert len(res) >= 1 # check if we have an insertion code or not if res[-1].isalpha(): return int(res[:-1]), res[-1] else: return int(res), "" # now group again, to aggregate full hit dataframe; # note that coord_start and coord_end are strings that may contain # insertion codes so need to treat accordingly def _agg_type(x): if x == "overlap": return "sum" elif x == "coord_start": return lambda l: sorted(l, key=_split_insertion_code)[0] elif x == "coord_end": return lambda l: sorted(l, key=_split_insertion_code)[-1] elif x.endswith("_start"): return "min" elif x.endswith("_end"): return "max" else: return "first" agg_types = OrderedDict( [(c, _agg_type(c)) for c in hits.columns if c not in hit_columns] ) # only aggregate if we have anything to aggregate, # otherwise pandas drops the index columns # alignment_id, pdb_id, pdb_chain and things go # wrong horribly in the following join if len(hits) > 0: hits_grouped = hits.groupby( hit_columns ).agg(agg_types).reset_index() else: hits_grouped = hits # join with mapping information hits_grouped = hits_grouped.merge( mapping_df, on=hit_columns ) # remove hits with too little residue coverage hits_grouped = hits_grouped.query("overlap >= @min_overlap") hits_grouped.loc[:, "bitscore"] = pd.to_numeric( hits_grouped.loc[:, "bitscore"], errors="coerce" ) hits_grouped = hits_grouped.sort_values(by="bitscore", ascending=False) # if requested, only keep one chain per PDB; # sort by score before this to keep best hit if reduce_chains: hits_grouped = hits_grouped.groupby("pdb_id").first().reset_index() # sort again, just to be sure... hits_grouped = hits_grouped.sort_values(by="bitscore", ascending=False) # remove any zombie mappings we did not keep in table mappings = { idx: map_ for idx, map_ in mappings.items() if idx in hits_grouped.mapping_index.values } return SIFTSResult(hits_grouped, mappings)