Source code for evcouplings.fold.filter

Functions for detecting ECs that should not be
included in 3D structure prediction

Most functions in this module are rewritten from
older pipeline code in choose_CNS_constraint_set.m

  Thomas A. Hopf

from operator import xor
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]def detect_secstruct_clash(i, j, secstruct): """ Detect if an EC pair (i, j) is geometrically impossible given a predicted secondary structure Based on direct port of the logic implemented in choose_CNS_constraint_set.m from original pipeline, lines 351-407. Use secstruct_clashes() to annotate an entire table of ECs. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of first position j : int Index of second position secstruct : dict Mapping from position (int) to secondary structure ("H", "E", "C") Returns ------- clashes : bool True if (i, j) clashes with secondary structure """ # extract a secondary structure substring # start and end are inclusive def _get_range(start, end): return "".join( [secstruct[pos] for pos in range(start, end + 1)] ) def _all_equal(string, char): return string == len(string) * char # get bigger and smaller of the two positions b = max(i, j) s = min(i, j) # if pair too distant in primary sequence, do # not consider for clash if b - s >= 15: return False # get secondary structure in range between pairs secstruct_string = _get_range(s, b) # part 1: check for clashes based on alpha helices # first check for helix between them, or both in a helix # (or either one directly next to helix) if _all_equal(_get_range(s + 1, b - 1), "H"): return True # of if just one of them is in a helix elif xor(secstruct[s] == "H", secstruct[b] == "H"): h2 = "H" * (b - s - 1) h3 = "H" * (b - s - 2) if h2 in secstruct_string: if b - s > 6: return True elif h3 in secstruct_string: if b - s > 11: return True # part 2: check for clashes based on beta strands if _all_equal(_get_range(s + 1, b - 1), "E"): return True elif _all_equal(_get_range(s + 2, b - 2), "E"): if b - s > 8: return True if xor(secstruct[s] == "E", secstruct[b] == "E"): e2 = "E" * (b - s - 1) e3 = "E" * (b - s - 2) e4 = "E" * (b - s - 3) if e2 in secstruct_string: return True elif e3 in secstruct_string: return True elif e4 in secstruct_string: if b - s > 8: return True return False
[docs]def secstruct_clashes(ec_pairs, residues, output_column="ss_clash", secstruct_column="sec_struct_3state"): """ Add secondary structure clashes to EC table Parameters ---------- ec_pairs : pandas.DataFrame Table with EC pairs that will be tested for clashes with secondary structure (with columns i, j) residues : pandas.DataFrame Table with residues in sequence and their secondary structure (columns i, ss_pred). output_column : str, optional (default: "secstruct_clash") Target column indicating if pair is in a clash or not secstruct_column : str, optional (default: "sec_struct_3state") Source column in ec_pairs with secondary structure states (H, E, C) Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Annotated EC table with clashes """ ec_pairs = deepcopy(ec_pairs) secstruct = dict(zip(residues.i, residues[secstruct_column])) ec_pairs.loc[:, output_column] = [ detect_secstruct_clash(row["i"], row["j"], secstruct) for idx, row in ec_pairs.iterrows() ] return ec_pairs
[docs]def disulfide_clashes(ec_pairs, output_column="cys_clash"): """ Add disulfide bridge clashes to EC table (i.e. if any cysteine residue is coupled to another cysteine). This flag is necessary if disulfide bridges are created during folding, since only one bridge is possible per cysteine. Parameters ---------- ec_pairs : pandas.DataFrame Table with EC pairs that will be tested for the occurrence of multiple cys-cys pairings (with columns i, j, A_i, A_j) output_column : str, optional (default: "cys_clash") Target column indicating if pair is in a clash or not Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Annotated EC table with clashes """ ec_pairs = deepcopy(ec_pairs) # find all cys-cys pairs cys_pairs = ec_pairs.query("A_i == 'C' and A_j == 'C'") # detect multiple occurrences of cysteine residues in # cys-cys bridges paired = set() clashes = [] # go through all cys-cys ECs for idx, row in cys_pairs.iterrows(): i, j = row["i"], row["j"] # have we seen either residue as paired before? # if so, flag as a clash if i in paired or j in paired: clashes.append(idx) # store that we have seen both residues in # a pair paired.add(i) paired.add(j) # initialize output to no clash for all ec_pairs.loc[:, output_column] = False # then set clash flag for detected clashes ec_pairs.loc[clashes, output_column] = True return ec_pairs