Source code for evcouplings.utils.helpers

Useful Python helpers

  Thomas A. Hopf, Benjamin Schubert

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import pickle, json, csv, os, shutil
from os import path
import time
import sys
import jinja2

from evcouplings.utils import InvalidParameterError

[docs]class PersistentDict(dict): """ Persistent dictionary with an API compatible with shelve and anydbm. The dict is kept in memory, so the dictionary operations run as fast as a regular dictionary. Write to disk is delayed until close or sync (similar to gdbm's fast mode). Input file format is automatically discovered. Output file format is selectable between pickle, json, and csv. All three serialization formats are backed by fast C implementations. """ def __init__(self, filename, flag='c', mode=None, format='json', *args, **kwds): self.flag = flag # r=readonly, c=create, or n=new self.mode = mode # None or an octal triple like 0644 self.format = format # 'csv', 'json', or 'pickle' self.filename = filename if flag != 'n' and os.access(filename, os.R_OK): fileobj = open(filename, 'rb' if format == 'pickle' else 'r') with fileobj: self.load(fileobj) dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
[docs] def sync(self): """Write dict to disk""" if self.flag == 'r': return # dont sync if empty if not len(self): return filename = self.filename tempname = filename + '.tmp' fileobj = open(tempname, 'wb' if self.format =='pickle' else 'w') try: self.dump(fileobj) except Exception: os.remove(tempname) raise finally: fileobj.close() shutil.move(tempname, self.filename) # atomic commit if self.mode is not None: os.chmod(self.filename, self.mode)
[docs] def close(self): self.sync()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.close()
[docs] def dump(self, fileobj): # if self is empty do not write to file if not self: return if self.format == 'csv': csv.writer(fileobj).writerows(self.items()) elif self.format == 'json': json.dump(self, fileobj, separators=(',', ':')) elif self.format == 'pickle': pickle.dump(dict(self), fileobj, 2) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown format: ' + repr(self.format))
[docs] def load(self, fileobj): # try formats from most restrictive to least restrictive for loader in (pickle.load, json.load, csv.reader): try: return self.update(loader(fileobj)) except Exception: pass raise ValueError('File not in a supported format')
[docs]class DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict): """ Source: Answer by Maybe this one would be better? """ def __init__(self, default_factory=None, **kwargs): OrderedDict.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.default_factory = default_factory def __missing__(self, key): result = self[key] = self.default_factory() return result
[docs]def wrap(text, width=80): """ Wraps a string at a fixed width. Arguments --------- text : str Text to be wrapped width : int Line width Returns ------- str Wrapped string """ return "\n".join( [text[i:i + width] for i in range(0, len(text), width)] )
[docs]def range_overlap(a, b): """ Source: built-in-function-for-computing-overlap-in-python Function assumes that start < end for a and b .. note:: Ends of range are not inclusive Parameters ---------- a : tuple(int, int) Start and end of first range (end of range is not inclusive) b : tuple(int, int) Start and end of second range (end of range is not inclusive) Returns ------- int Length of overlap between ranges a and b """ if a[0] >= a[1]: raise InvalidParameterError("Start has to be smaller than end a[0] < a[1]") if b[0] >= b[1]: raise InvalidParameterError("Start has to be smaller than end b[0] < b[1]") return max(0, min(a[1], b[1]) - max(a[0], b[0]))
[docs]def find_segments(data): """ Find consecutive number segments, based on Python 2.7 itertools recipe Parameters ---------- data : iterable Iterable in which to look for consecutive number segments (has to be in order) """ segments = [] for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data), lambda x: x[0] - x[1]): cur_segment = list(map(itemgetter(1), g)) segments.append( (cur_segment[0], cur_segment[-1]) ) return segments
[docs]def render_template(template_file, mapping): """ Render a template using jinja2 and substitute values from mapping Parameters ---------- template_file : str Path to jinja2 template mapping : dict Mapping used to substitute values in the template Returns ------- str Rendered template """ template_dir, filename = path.split(template_file) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) template = jinja_env.get_template(filename) return template.render(mapping)
[docs]class Progressbar(object): """ Progress bar for command line programs Parameters ---------- total_size : int The total size of the iteration bar_length : int The visual bar length that gets printed on stdout """ def __init__(self, total_size, bar_length=60): self.total_size = total_size self.current_size = 0 self.bar_length = bar_length def __iadd__(self, chunk): """ Convenience function of self.update Parameters ---------- chunk : int The size of the elements that are processed in the current iteration """ self.update(chunk) return self
[docs] def update(self, chunk): """ Updates and prints the progress of the progressbar Parameters ---------- chunk : int The size of the elements that are processed in the current iteration """ self.current_size += chunk if self.current_size < self.total_size: filled_len = int(round(self.bar_length * self.current_size / float(self.total_size))) percents = round(100.0 * self.current_size / float(self.total_size), 1) bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (self.bar_length - filled_len) sys.stdout.write('[%s] %s%s|%s/%s ...\r' % (bar, percents, '%', self.current_size, self.total_size)) sys.stdout.flush() else: filled_len = int(self.bar_length) bar = '=' * filled_len sys.stdout.write('[%s] %s%s|%s/%s ...\r' % (bar, 100.0, '%', self.total_size, self.total_size)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n")
[docs]def retry(func, retry_max_number=None, retry_wait=None, exceptions=None, retry_action=None, fail_action=None): """ Retry to execute a function as often as requested Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to be executed until succcessful retry_max_number : int, optional (default: None) Maximum number of retries. If None, will retry forever. retry_wait : int, optional (default: None) Number of seconds to wait before attempting retry exceptions : exception or tuple(exception) Single or tuple of exceptions to catch for retrying (any other exception will cause immediate fail) retry_action : callable Function to execute upon a retry fail_action Function to execute upon final failure """ # initialize maximum number of tries (if None, try forever) num_retries = 0 while True: try: return func() except exceptions: # check if we have exhausted the maximum number of retries, # if so, fail with the original exception but perform # cleanup before if retry_max_number is not None and num_retries >= retry_max_number: if fail_action is not None: fail_action() raise # if waiting time is requested, wait before trying again if retry_wait is not None: time.sleep(retry_wait) # execute action before retrying if necessary if retry_action is not None: retry_action() num_retries += 1