Source code for evcouplings.mutate.protocol

Sequence statistical energy and mutation effect computation

  Thomas A. Hopf
  Anna G. Green (complex)

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import save, output_file

from evcouplings.couplings.model import (
from evcouplings.couplings.mapping import (
from evcouplings.mutate.calculations import (
    single_mutant_matrix, predict_mutation_table
import evcouplings
from evcouplings.utils.config import (
    check_required, InvalidParameterError
from evcouplings.utils.system import (
    create_prefix_folders, verify_resources
from evcouplings.couplings.mapping import (

[docs]def standard(**kwargs): """ Protocol: Mutation effect calculation and visualization for protein monomers TODO: eventually merge with complexes to make a protocol agnostic to the number of segments Parameters ---------- Mandatory kwargs arguments: See list below in code where calling check_required Returns ------- outcfg : dict Output configuration of the pipeline, including the following fields: * mutation_matrix_file * [mutation_dataset_predicted_file] """ check_required( kwargs, [ "prefix", "model_file", "mutation_dataset_file", ] ) prefix = kwargs["prefix"] outcfg = { "mutation_matrix_file": prefix + "_single_mutant_matrix.csv", "mutation_matrix_plot_files": [], } # make sure model file exists verify_resources( "Model parameter file does not exist", kwargs["model_file"] ) # make sure output directory exists create_prefix_folders(prefix) # load couplings object, and create independent model c = CouplingsModel(kwargs["model_file"]) c0 = c.to_independent_model() for model, type_ in [(c, "Epistatic"), (c0, "Independent")]: # interactive plot using bokeh filename = prefix + "_{}_model".format(type_.lower(),) output_file( filename + ".html", "{} model".format(type_) ) fig = evcouplings.visualize.mutations.plot_mutation_matrix(model, engine="bokeh") save(fig) outcfg["mutation_matrix_plot_files"].append(filename + ".html") # static matplotlib plot evcouplings.visualize.mutations.plot_mutation_matrix(model) plt.savefig(filename + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight") outcfg["mutation_matrix_plot_files"].append(filename + ".pdf") # create single mutation matrix table, # add prediction by independent model and # save to file singles = single_mutant_matrix( c, output_column="prediction_epistatic" ) singles = predict_mutation_table( c0, singles, "prediction_independent" ) singles.to_csv(outcfg["mutation_matrix_file"], index=False) # Pymol scripts outcfg["mutations_epistatic_pml_files"] = [] for model in ["epistatic", "independent"]: pml_filename = prefix + "_{}_model.pml".format(model) evcouplings.visualize.mutations.mutation_pymol_script( singles, pml_filename, effect_column="prediction_" + model ) outcfg["mutations_epistatic_pml_files"].append(pml_filename) # predict experimental dataset if given dataset_file = kwargs["mutation_dataset_file"] if dataset_file is not None: verify_resources("Dataset file does not exist", dataset_file) data = pd.read_csv(dataset_file, comment="#") # add epistatic model prediction data_pred = predict_mutation_table( c, data, "prediction_epistatic" ) # add independent model prediction data_pred = predict_mutation_table( c0, data_pred, "prediction_independent" ) outcfg["mutation_dataset_predicted_file"] = prefix + "_dataset_predicted.csv" data_pred.to_csv( outcfg["mutation_dataset_predicted_file"], index=False ) return outcfg
[docs]def complex(**kwargs): """ Protocol: Mutation effect prediction and visualization for protein complexes Parameters ---------- Mandatory kwargs arguments: See list below in code where calling check_required Returns ------- outcfg : dict Output configuration of the pipeline, including the following fields: * mutation_matrix_file * [mutation_dataset_predicted_file] """ check_required( kwargs, [ "prefix", "model_file", "mutation_dataset_file", "segments" ] ) prefix = kwargs["prefix"] outcfg = { "mutation_matrix_file": prefix + "_single_mutant_matrix.csv", "mutation_matrix_plot_files": [], } # make sure model file exists verify_resources( "Model parameter file does not exist", kwargs["model_file"] ) # make sure output directory exists create_prefix_folders(prefix) # load segments to create couplings object segment_objects = [] for segment_list in kwargs["segments"]: segment_objects.append(Segment.from_list(segment_list)) first_segment_name = Segment.from_list(kwargs["segments"][0]).segment_id second_segment_name = Segment.from_list(kwargs["segments"][1]).segment_id first_chain_name = Segment.from_list(kwargs["segments"][0]).default_chain_name() second_chain_name = Segment.from_list(kwargs["segments"][1]).default_chain_name() # load couplings object c = MultiSegmentCouplingsModel(kwargs["model_file"], *segment_objects) # create the independent model c0 = c.to_independent_model() # create the inter-protein only Jij model ci = c.to_inter_segment_model() for model, type_ in [(c, "Epistatic"), (c0, "Independent"), (ci, "Inter_segment")]: # interactive plot using bokeh filename = prefix + "_{}_model".format(type_.lower(), ) output_file( filename + ".html", "{} model".format(type_) ) fig = evcouplings.visualize.mutations.plot_mutation_matrix(model, engine="bokeh") save(fig) outcfg["mutation_matrix_plot_files"].append(filename + ".html") # static matplotlib plot evcouplings.visualize.mutations.plot_mutation_matrix(model) plt.savefig(filename + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight") outcfg["mutation_matrix_plot_files"].append(filename + ".pdf") # create single mutation matrix table, # add prediction by independent model and # save to file singles = single_mutant_matrix( c, output_column="prediction_epistatic" ) singles = predict_mutation_table( c0, singles, "prediction_independent" ) singles = predict_mutation_table( ci, singles, "prediction_inter_segment" ) singles.to_csv(outcfg["mutation_matrix_file"], index=False) # Pymol scripts outcfg["mutations_epistatic_pml_files"] = [] for model in ["epistatic", "independent", "inter_segment"]: pml_filename = prefix + "_{}_model.pml".format(model) evcouplings.visualize.mutations.mutation_pymol_script( singles, pml_filename, effect_column="prediction_" + model, segment_to_chain_mapping={ first_segment_name: first_chain_name, second_segment_name: second_chain_name } ) outcfg["mutations_epistatic_pml_files"].append(pml_filename) # predict experimental dataset if given dataset_file = kwargs["mutation_dataset_file"] if dataset_file is not None: verify_resources("Dataset file does not exist", dataset_file) data = pd.read_csv(dataset_file, comment="#", sep=",") if "segment" not in data.columns: raise ValueError( "Input mutation dataset file does not contain " "a column called 'segment' to specify the " "protein of origin for each mutation" ) # add epistatic model prediction data_pred = predict_mutation_table( c, data, "prediction_epistatic" ) # add independent model prediction data_pred = predict_mutation_table( c0, data_pred, "prediction_independent" ) data_pred = predict_mutation_table( ci, data_pred, "inter_segment" ) outcfg["mutation_dataset_predicted_file"] = prefix + "_dataset_predicted.csv" data_pred.to_csv( outcfg["mutation_dataset_predicted_file"], index=False ) return outcfg
# list of available mutation protocols PROTOCOLS = { # standard EVmutation protocol "standard": standard, # EVmutation protocol for complexes "complex": complex }
[docs]def run(**kwargs): """ Run mutation protocol Parameters ---------- Mandatory kwargs arguments: protocol: EC protocol to run prefix: Output prefix for all generated files Returns ------- outcfg : dict Output configuration of stage (see individual protocol for fields) """ check_required(kwargs, ["protocol"]) if kwargs["protocol"] not in PROTOCOLS: raise InvalidParameterError( "Invalid protocol selection: " + "{}. Valid protocols are: {}".format( kwargs["protocol"], ", ".join(PROTOCOLS.keys()) ) ) return PROTOCOLS[kwargs["protocol"]](**kwargs)